Saturday, September 12, 2015

Thank You!!!!!!!

We would like to thank all the bidders and buyers that came out today.  We look forward to continuing established relationships and forging new ones.  It is exciting to see our steers go into capable hands, and even more exciting to see what we can accomplish together over the next year.

We would like to thank all of our friends and family that helped getting cattle ready, serving food, making sure that all ends were taken care of.   Ryan and I (Adam) could not do it without you.

We wish to thank the Lord Almighty for the passion and talent that he has given us along with the opportunity to share that with you.  We thank him for holding off the rain for the sale, and for all the safety granted to customers and cattle.

We will be offering heifers private treaty in October.   Please check back for more details and photos in the upcoming weeks.  Pictured below is a sample of the offering.   These two went to the Crawford Co. Fair and we pictured them prior to going.

Rodger That x Simm/Angus

Utah heifer

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Updated Picture of the BIM Steer

I was working alone today, but still managed to get some more pictures of the calves.  This is an updated picture of the BIM that was on a few days ago.  Check out pictures of more calves on the 2015 Calves page on the right of this blog.

Friday, September 4, 2015

High seller from last year.

I always find it interesting to know how babies grow up.  For those that were at our sale last year, you might remember this guy.   He is an I-80 that was our high seller.

Bargain Shopping?????

This steer sold in last year's sale for $1750.  He is a ringer x q-dog that was big boned hairy and awesome necked.  He was a little harder looking last fall and didn't garner as much attention.  Thank you Samantha Hall for your hard work this year.

"Cheddar" was a Monopoly x Charolais that didn't even sell in a previous sale.  He ended up selling for $1,000 and won his county fair.

Every year we have several steers that are greener, not as haired up, or just a little behind that sell below the money but end up feeding well.  With the proper management these younger steers can still be competitive come next summer.